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It’s not just neighbours that you need to consider with your planning applications

When planning an extension, build or other activity that you need planning permission for, your biggest worry is likely to be objections from neighbours or local residents, but nature also poses a great deal of threats to the success of planning applications.

It's important you are aware of these in order to make sure that what you are proposing doesn't interfere with protected species and the natural habitat.

Common creatures which may be sharing your site include Great Crested Newts, bats & owls and should one of these have decided to take up residence, then this could mean you need to amend your plans to facilitate their behavioural patterns and ensure that the natural world is disturbed as little as possible.

It isn't just our feathered, furred and winged friends that can cause upset in a planning application either! Certain species of trees and plants also need to be preserved and protected, and if you think you have such a species on your potential site, then an arboriculturist needs to be involved, as they can advise and make recommendations for the correct preservation of these.

If you think your planning application may be affected by the natural world, then our planning application specialists can help arrange the appropriate surveys, and ensure your build isn't detrimental to your natural surroundings.

Posted at 10:53

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